Our Story
US Air Force Veteran formed Pham Consulting in 2021. We offer Professional and Technical services across domains. We are a company build on integrity and kindness. The vehicles we will use are wisdom, compassion, and courage. Wisdom to know what is best for all stakeholders today as well as 100 years from today; compassion to nurture good businesses into good and profitable businesses; and the courage to carry out our activities in accordance with our values regardless of changing time. From supporting the US Nuclear Treaty Monitoring mission on 7 continents, to protecting the bottom line for small businesses; integrity is the solid foundation to build success on.
Pham Consulting provides professional and technical services. Scientific research, engineering, data analysis, systems operations, maintenance, logistics, HR augmentation or outsourcing. Serving the Federal Government, as well as local businesses. We can achieve this with our values intact, by putting profit second to integrity.
Pham Consulting is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.
Khanh Pham
Chief Executive Officer/President
Khanh Pham started PK Veteran in Florida in 2014 to work on federal contracts. Formed Pham Consulting in California in 2021. Leads a diverse team of experts and many talented people with a strong belief in integrity, and providing values to others. Khanh has over 37 years of experiences from lowly jobs to liaison and diplomat at the national and international level. Provided national security for the United States of America. Provided international security for the United Nations. Khanh leads with integrity.